"Evan has been in SCCA since kindergarten. We had looked into a bricks-and-mortar school, but the only school he could attend was in the next town over, and we knew there just wasn't a way for him to have a one-on-one nurse every day at the school. Evan has special needs; he requires so much care and attention that schooling at home best suits his needs. Our sweet boy is in a wheelchair, and he is ventilator dependent. He was born with an unknown myelin deficiency, hypotonia in his muscles, and scoliosis. He also has titanium growing rods in his back, which have to be extended one to two times a year as he grows. Despite everything Evan has to put up with, he is incredibly smart! Evan loved the idea of staying at home with his mom, and our family loves the curriculum. We also like the fact that all the books and other materials are provided.
The teachers at SCCA always try to arrange Evan's daily lesson plans for his needs. His special education teachers are helpful and work hard to accommodate his needs. One year, the school provided him with a special keyboard, and now they are working on acquiring him a special mouse. The school also provides an occupational therapist that comes to the house for one hour a week.
What I like most about South Carolina Connections Academy is that I am able to do my schoolwork at home to work around my therapy and doctor's appointments, and I sometimes even get to have lunch with my daddy.
— Evan